Enhancing The Online Store Of Yatva Vintage


The challenge with Yatva Vintage was where they started from. Their old website housed a minimal amount of content, imagery, and even pages. Our task was to showcase the vast array of vintage clothing they offer in the best possible way, using all-new content. We focused primarily on how the imagery tells the story and accomplishes the desired goal. Another challenge lay within the intricate nature of the fashion industry and the difficulty of organizing everything in a coherent manner. Our team had to create a frontend and backend experience that catered to the needs of everyone involved.


Our strategy revolved around our placement of imagery for Yatva Vintage, ensuring its effectiveness and order. Each slider, positioning, background, and tile was strategically placed to weave a captivating story and highlight the value of our vintage clothing brand.

Since Yatva Vintage operates in a niche industry, we aimed to make them stand out distinctly, without any comparisons. We aimed to create a website that could cater to a tech corporation, while still showcasing Yatva Vintage as a powerhouse in the vintage clothing industry.

Additionally, we aimed to portray the expertise of the Yatva Vintage team. Therefore, the branding used on the website exuded an air of superiority and sophistication, reinforcing their status as authorities in the field.


Modern website developed

New content sitewide, optimized for all pages

Successful SEO migration of all pages

Better load times influencing higher rankings on Google

Newer branding and pattern library for all company assets

Responsive nature